Who knew you could have fun at church? WE DO! When you entrust your children to us, we take their safety and hearts seriously. All of our volunteers have received background checks, interviews, and training through Ministry Safe prior to working with our children's program. This ensures that our children are safe while their hearts and minds are formed by the hard work of our team. We make sure they are having fun while learning the scriptures, what our liturgy means, and how we connect the ancient faith we believe to the world they see all around them.

The True Story From the Bible

Each Sunday, this begins with our "True Story From the Bible," where the children are invited to come and read a story from the Bible with Fr. Eric. Once the story is finished, Fr. Eric prays for the children and dismisses them to Sunday School where they will go with one of our faithful volunteers to their classroom and let the fun begin!

Want to know more?

If there are any questions about our children's ministry or would like to volunteer, please feel free to reach out! We would love to talk with you!