St. George is looking forward to lots of changes in the coming months. Those changes include a search for our next full-time priest and a new peramanent location.
In the interim, Bishop Derek Jones, Father John Salimi, and Father Deacon Joe Saloom will be teaming up to lead our parish. We are so blessed to have such strong leadership to see us through our transition. Bishop Derek Jones is coming down to lead our worhship when he can. When he cannot be here, Father John Salimi will be consecrating the elements, and Father Deacon Joe Saloom will be delivering the homily.
Father John and his family joined St. George in the fall of 2022 after they sought asylum from religious persecution in Iran. We are blessed to have him with us as he serves his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Father Deacon Joe Saloom is a founding member of St. George and a lifelong Anglican. We have been incredibly blessed by his leadership as we move forward into our next chapter.
Give us a call to set a time to meet. We would love to talk with you!